
Congresses Publications

8th International Conference on the Application of raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology (RAA'15), Wroclaw (Polonia), "Automatic Classification system of Raman spectra applied to pigment analysis", J.J. González-Vidla, R. Pérez-Pueyo, M.J. Soneira, S. Ruiz-Moreno. 

 7th International Conference on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology (RAA'13), Liubliana (Eslovenia), "Possible diferenciation with Raman spectroscopy between synthetic and natural ultramarine blues. Comparative analysis with the blue pigment of a painting of R. Casas (1866-1932)", A.R. De Torres, S. Ruiz-Moreno, A. López-gil, P. Ferrer, C. chillón.

 7th International Conference on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy In Art and Archaeology (RAA'13), Liubliana (Eslovenia), "Shot Noise reduction with principal component analysis", J.J. González-vidal, R. Pérez-Pueyo, M.J. Soneira, S. Ruiz-Moreno. 

 5th International Workshop on marine technology (Martech 2013), Girona (España), "Molecular stratigraphic analysis with Raman spectroscopy of the shell of a mussel", P. Ferrer, S. Ruiz-moreno, A.R. De Torres, A. López-Gil. 

 Cma4ch Mediterraneum Meeting, Use of multivariate analysis and Chemometrics in cultural heritage and environement, 4th edition, Roma (Italia), " Pattern recognition based on principal component analyisis in Raman spectroscopy applied to artistic materials", J.J. González-Vidal, R. Pérez-Pueyo, M.J. Soneira, S. Ruiz-Moreno.  

 International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy Applied to Earth and planetary Science (Xth GeoRaman), Nancy (Francia), "ICA-based algorithm for automatic pigment mixtures identification", J.J. González-Vidal, R. Pérez-Pueyo, M.J. Soneira, S. Ruiz-Moreno.

 3rd International conference on Heritage and Sustainable Developement, Oporto (Portugal), " Avoiding Frauds: Raman spectroscopy, a fundamental tool in the analysis of artworks", C. Chillón, P. Ferrer, S. Ruiz-Moreno, A. López-Gil. 

 6th International Conference on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in art And Archaeology (RAA'11), Parma (Italia), "Automatic identification system of Raman spectra of pigment mixtures", J.J. González-Vidal, R. Pérez-pueyo, M.J. Soneira, S. Ruiz-Moreno.

 6th International Conference on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology (RAA'11), Parma (Italia), "New results in the characterization by Raman spectrocopy of yellow pigments used in ceramic artworks of the 16th and 17th centuries", P. Ferrer, S. Ruiz-Moreno, A. López-Gil, C. Chillón, C. Sandalinas. 

 Reunión Española de Optoelectrónica (Optoel'11), Santander (España), "Última tecnología en espectroscopía Raman con fibra óptica: aplicación al análisis científico no invasivo de obras de arte", P. Ferrer, S. Ruiz-Moreno, M. Breitman, A. López-Gil.

 Reunión Espeñola de Optoelectrónica (Optoel'11), Santander (España), "Sistema automático de identificación de espectros raman de mexclas de pigmentos", J.J. González-Vidal, R. Pérez-Pueyo, M.J. Soneira, S. Ruiz-Moreno.  

 Jornadas sobre investigación en conservación del patrimonio cultural en España, Madrid (España), "Investigación y optimización de la espectroscopía Raman aplicada al análisis diercto del patrimonio artístico", S. Ruiz-Moreno, C. Sandalinas, M.J. Soneira, R. Pérez-Pueyo, M. Breitman, A. López-Gil.

 5th International Conference on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology (RAA'09), Bilbao (España), "Raman spectroscopy applied to characterization of the corrosion process in the Iberian bronze artefacts collection of the Museu Frederic Marès de Barcelona", C. Sandalinas, S. Ruiz-Moreno, A. López-Gil, R. Pérez-Pueyo.

 5th International Conference on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology (RAA'09), Bilbao (España), "Theoretical and experimental characterization of the quantitative behaviour of the Raman spectrum of a pigment mixture: comparative analysis with red and green lasers", M. Breitman, S. Ruiz-Moreno, A. López-Gil.

 5th International Conference on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology (RAA'09), Bilbao (España), "A new contribution on automated baseline removal techniques applied to raman spectra of artistic pigments", R. Pérez-pueyo, M.J. Soneira, S. Ruiz-Moreno. 

 II International Conference on Glass Science in Art and Conservation, Valencia (España), "Direct and non-destructive Raman analysis of the fundamental materials in ceramics artworks", S. Ruiz-Moreno, A. López-Gil, C. Sandalinas, J. López-Ventura.

 4th International Conference on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology (RAA'07), Modena (Italia), "Raman spectroscopy analysis and characterization of the photo-transformation process of realgar into pararealgar. Experimental observation in a painting historically attributed to Titianus", S. Ruiz-Moreno, A. López-Gil, M. Mancini, C. Sandalinas

 4th International Conference on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology (RAA'07), Modena (Italia), "Automatic identification of artistic pigments using principal component analysis in Raman spectroscopy", M. Castanys, R. Pérez-Pueyo, M.J. Soneira, S. Ruiz-Moreno.

 Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks (LACONA), Madrid (España), "Raman spectroscopy in analysis of delicate polychrome artistic objects of the XVIIIth century", C. Sandalinas, S. Ruiz-Moreno, A. López-Gil, M.J. Soneira, R. Pérez, M. Breitman

 Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks (LACONA), Madrid (España), "An experimental method to measure the non-thermal photoablation fluence thershold of artistic varnishes", A. López-Gil, S. Ruiz-Moreno, J. Arenas.

 International Symposium Art Technological Source Research: Towards a New Discipline (ATSR), Madrid (España), "Aplicación de la espectroscopía Raman IR a la identificación molecular de un óleo sobre cartón ("La Espera" o "Margot") de Pablo Ruiz Picasso", M. Breitman, A. López-Gil, S. Ruiz-Moreno

 International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy Applied to Earth and Planetary Science (VIIth GeoRaman), Almuñécar (España), "Experimental problems in Raman spectroscopy applied to pigments identification in mixtures", M. Breitman, S. Ruiz-Moreno, A. López-Gil

 Workshop on lasers in the preservation of cultural heritage, San Petesburgo (Rusia), "Automatic identification of artistic pigments by Raman spectroscopy using fuzzy logic and principal component analysis", M. Castanys, M.J. Soneira, R. Pérez-Pueyo.

 II Congreso del GEIIC. Investigación en Conservación y Restauración, Barcelona (España), "Aplicaciones de las tecnologías fotónicas al análisis y limpieza de obras de arte", J. Miralles, S. Ruiz-Moreno, A. López-Gil, C. Sandalinas

 17th International Conference on Photonics in Europe, Munich (Germany), "A fuzzy logic system for Raman spectrum identification", M. Castanys, M.J. Soneira, R. Pérez, S. Ruiz-Moreno

 3rd International Conference on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology (RAA'05), Paris (France) , "Optimum acquisition of Raman spectra in pigment analysis with IR laser diode and UV pulsed radiation", A. López-Gil, S.Ruiz-Moreno, J.Miralles

 3rd International Conference on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology (RAA'05), Paris (France) , "Fuzzy logic: a technique to Raman spectra recognition", M. Castanys, R. Pérez-Pueyo, M.J. Soneira

 3rd International Conference on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology (RAA'05), Paris (France) , "Experimental confirmation by Raman spectroscopy of a Pb-Sn-Sb triple oxide yellow pigment in ceramics of Italian XVIth century", C. Sandalinas, S. Ruiz-Moreno, A. Lopez-Gil, J. Miralles

 XII Congreso Español sobre tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy, Jaén (España), "Identificación de espectros Raman mediante un sistema de lógica difusa", M.J. Soneira, M. Castanys, R: Pérez-Pueyo, S. Ruiz-Moreno.

 ICOM-CC Graphic Documents Meeting, Ljubljana (Eslovenia), "Application of Near Infrared Raman Spectroscopy to the Analysis of Historical Documents", A.Gabaldón, S.Ruiz-Moreno, A.López-Gil Serra

 2nd International Conference on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology (RAA'03), Ghent (Belgium), "Raman Spectroscopy and UV Pulsed Laser, an Excellent Symbiosis?", A.López-Gil Serra, S.Ruiz-Moreno, A.Gabaldón, C.Sandalinas, R.Pérez-Pueyo and M.J.Soneira

 2nd International Conference on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology (RAA'03), Ghent (Belgium), "Raman Spectroscopy Analytical Study of a Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts Collection on Paper and Parchment", A.Gabaldón, S.Ruiz-Moreno, M.C.Sistach-Anguera and R.Pérez-Pueyo

 2nd International Conference on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology (RAA'03), Ghent (Belgium), "A fuzzy Logic System for Bands Detection in Raman Spectroscopy", R. Pérez-Pueyo, M.J. Soneira and S. Ruiz-Moreno

 V Congreso nacional de historia del papel en España, Sarrià de Ter (España), "Prestaciones de la espectroscopía Raman: aplicación al estudio de documentos históricos en soporte papel", A. Gabaldón, R. Pérez-Pueyo, S. Ruiz-Moreno, C. Sistach-Anguera.

 IV Jornadas de Avances en la restauración del papel, Burgos (España), "Prestaciones de la espectroscopía Raman en la supervisión del proceso de limpieza de obras de arte con láser pulsado ultravioleta", S. Ruiz-Moreno, A. Gabaldón, A. López-Gil, R. Pérez-Pueyo, M.J. Soneira.

 Laser in the Conservation of Artworks (LACONA), París (France), "Study of Non-Linear Behaviour of Raman Spectra in Mixtures", M. Breitman, S. Ruiz-Moreno and R. Pérez-Pueyo

 Laser in the Conservation of Artworks (LACONA), París (France), "Raman Laser Fibre Optic Strategy for Non-Destructive Pigment Analysis. Application to a New Yellow Pigment of Italian XVII Century", S. Ruiz-Moreno, C. Sandalinas, M.J. Soneira, R. Pérez-Pueyo and A. Gabaldón

 LASER, Munich (Germany), "Performances of a Fiber Optic Raman System: Importance of the Interferential Filter in Art Applications", S. Ruiz-Moreno, R. Pérez-Pueyo, M.J. Soneira, A. Gabaldón, M. Breitman and C. Sandalinas

 Fotónica y Arte, Barcelona (Spain), "Detección Automática de Bandas en Espectros Raman", M.J. Soneira y S. Ruiz-Moreno

 Fotónica y Arte, Barcelona (Spain), "Aplicación de la Espec. Raman al Análisis no Destructivo de un Mapa de Abraham Ortelius", S. Ruiz-Moreno, M.J. Soneira

 Fotónica y Arte, Barcelona (Spain), "Nuevas Técnicas de Identificación y Diferenciación de los Pigmentos de Origen Natural y Artificial (Cinabrio-Bermellón) en Bienes Culturales", J.L. Prada, S. Ruiz-Moreno y M. Quiles

 Fotónica y Arte, Barcelona (Spain), "Aplicación Láser a la Identificación Global de Obras de Arte", A. Gabaldón, S. Ruiz-Moreno, R. Pérez-Pueyo y M.J. Soneira

 Research for Protection, Conservation and Enhacement of Cultural Heritage, Estrasburgo (France), "Raman Laser Fiber Optic Strategy for Non-Destructive Pigment Analysis", S. Ruiz-Moreno

 La Limpieza No Destructiva de Obras de Arte, Valencia (Spain), "Espectroscopía Raman con F.O. Aplicada a la Identificación de Materiales Artísticos", S. Ruiz-Moreno

 Avances en la Restauración del Papel, Burgos (Spain), "Análisis no Destructivo de un Mapa del s. XVI de la Región de Brescia del Atlas de Abraham Ortelius mediante Espectroscopía Raman con Fibra Óptica", S. Ruiz-Moreno

 Laser in the Conservation of Artworks (LACONA), Florencia (Italy), "Soft and Hard Modelling Methods for Deconvolution of Mixtures of Raman Spectra for Pigments Analysis", Ll. Coma, M. Breitman and S. Ruiz-Moreno

 Laser in the Conservation of Artworks (LACONA), Florencia (Italy), "Non-Destructive and in situ Analysis of a XVI Century Map by Optical Fibre Raman Spectroscopy", S. Ruiz-Moreno, J.M. Yúfera, M.J. Soneira, F.J. Sierra and R. Pérez-Pueyo

 Fotónica y Arte, Barcelona (Spain), "Estudio Analítico no Destructivo, mediante Espectroscopía Raman, del Retablo de San Antolín y San Bernabé del Escultor Manuel Álvarez", C. Sandalinas, S. Ruiz-Moreno, M.J. Soneira y F.J. Sierra

 Fotónica y Arte, Barcelona (Spain), "Estudio Analítico con Espectroscopía Raman de la Obra ‘Infancia de Baco’", S. Ruiz-Moreno, M. Manzaneda, R. Pérez-Pueyo, F.J. Sierra y M.J. Soneira

 Fotónica y Arte, Barcelona (Spain), "Sistema de Espec. Raman con Tecnología de F.O: Aplicaciones a la Identificación de Pigmentos", S. Ruiz-Moreno, F.J. Sierra, M.J. Soneira, R. Pérez-Pueyo, J.M. Yúfera, M. Breitman, C. Sandalinas y M. Manzaneda

 International Conference on Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS), Creta (Greece), "Research and Development of Raman Spectroscopy with Optical fibre. Application to Pigments Identification", (Poster)

 International Conference on Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS), Creta (Greece), "Application of Factor Analysis and Multivariate Curve Resolution Techniques for the Separation and Identification of Raman Spectra form Pigments on Artworks", Ll. Coma, M.J. Manzaneda and S. Ruiz-Moreno

 Tecno Art, Barcelona (Spain), "Identificación Mediante Espectroscopía Raman de los Materiales Pictóricos de un Retablo del s. XVI del Museo F. Marès de Barcelona", C. Sandalinas y S. Ruiz-Moreno

 Laser in the Conservation of Artworks (LACONA), Liverpool (UK), "Raman Spectrography with Optical Fiber in the Pigments Identification of the Altapiece ‘Saint Antolin and Saint Bernabe", S. Ruiz-Moreno, M.J. Manzaneda, J.M. Yúfera, M.J. Soneira and C.Sandalinas

 International Conference on Studies Ancient Structures, Estambul (Turkey), "Experimental Analisys and Raman Spectroscopy Applicated to the Identification of the Stony Choir Pigments of the Santiago de Compostela’s Catedral", J.M. Yúfera, M.J. Manzaneda, S. Ruiz-Moreno, A. Palet, M. Artigau, M. Breitman and P. Morillo

 XI Congreso Bienal de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales, Castellón (Spain), "El Renacimiento de la Espectroscopia Raman en la Identificación de Materiales Pictóricos", S. Ruiz-Moreno, M.J. Manzaneda, J.M. Yúfera, M.J. Sedó y M.J. Soneira

 International Conference on Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS), Münster (Germany), "Separation and Identification of Raman Spectra for the Recognition of Pictorial Pigments", M. Breitman, M.J. Manzaneda, S. Ruiz-Moreno and A. Tuldrá

 International Conference on Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS), Münster (Germany), "Raman Spectra Treatment with Signal Processing Techniques", J.M. Yúfera, A. Ramos, O. Latorre, M.J. Soneira, S. Ruiz-Moreno and A. Rey

 Laser in the Conservation of Artworks (LACONA), Creta (Greece), "A New Signal Processing Strategy for the Identification of Raman Spectra", M.J. Manzaneda, S. Ruiz-Moreno, J.M. Yúfera, B. Berrocal, J. Guitart and T. Jawhari

 Laser in the Conservation of Artworks (LACONA), Creta (Greece), "Comparative Identification of the Pigments in XIXth Century Oil Painting by Means of Raman Spectroscopy and Electron Microprobe: Goya or Lucas", J.M. Yúfera, S. Ruiz-Moreno, M.J. Manzaneda, S. Muñoz and T. Jawhari

 Laser in the Conservation of Artworks (LACONA), "Raman Spectroscopy in Controlled Restoration of Artworks" (Inivted lecturer), S. Ruiz-Moreno, J.M. Yúfera, M.J. Manzaneda, M.J. Soneira, P. Morillo, M. Breitman and T. Jawhari

 Congreso Matlab, Madrid (Spain), "Aplicación de Matlab para la Eliminación de Ruido en Espectroscopía Raman", J.M. Yúfera, M. Breitman y B. Berrocal

 URSI, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), "Aplicación de Técnicas Láser a la Restauración de Obras de Arte", M.J. Manzaneda, J.M. Yúfera, S. Ruiz-Moreno y J. Guitart