José Antonio Lázaro
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Signal Theory and Communications Department - TSC
Campus Nord UPC
Building D4 - Office 007
C/Jordi Girona, 31
08034 Barcelona (Spain).
Ex-Subdirector of International Relations
School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB), Building B3
Scientific production:
Jose A. Lazaro is Associate Professor at the Optical Communications Group (GCO) and has been serving for more than 10 years as Vice Dean of International Relations at the School of Telecommunication Engineering in Barcelona (ETSETB) at UPC. He received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Zaragoza (Spain) in 1999 for his research work in erbium-doped waveguide amplifiers. Prior to his current position, he was Ramon-y-Cajal Researcher at UPC, Senior Researcher at the Optical Transmission and Broadband Technologies Laboratory (TOYBA) of the Aragon Institute for Engineering Research (I3A) (Spain), and R&D Engineer at ALCATEL-LUCENT (now NOKIA) in Stuttgart (Germany) at the Dept. of Passive Optical Components and High Speed Transmission Systems. He has been and is participating in several European projects (e-Photon/One, BONE, EURO-FOS, SARDANA, COLIBRI) and leading Spanish research projects (TEYDE, SUNSET). He has authored over 170 reviewed international publications and 18 patents. He is currently coordinating the HORIZON-JU-SNS project "AI-Enhanced fibre-Wireless Optical 6G network in support for Connected mobility" (6G-EWOC). and Next Generation EU founded UNICO 6G I+D project ELEGANT: "Evolution of infrastructure (ultra low Latency) and Expanded mobile system (mmWave) towards 6G-AI NeTworks"